Introduction to Yoga Sutras
S1 E1 - Yoga as a Path of Positive Transformation
June 30, 20169minThe philosophy and practice of yoga are designed to learn about who we are. In the process, we root out negativity and replace it with loving kindness.Free trial of GaiaS1 E2 - Namaste: The Inner Light of Awareness
June 30, 20167minYoga, in its broadest sense, includes a belief in the permanent divine light of awareness. It promotes kindness and selflessness and less attachment to material things.Free trial of GaiaS1 E3 - Karma and Habitual Patterns
June 30, 201611minOur consciousness is a field through which the inner light of awareness shines. Understanding how the heart-mind complex functions is essential to understanding how yoga works.Free trial of GaiaS1 E4 - The Heart-Mind Field of Consciousness
June 30, 201612minNicolai Bachman explores what karma is, why the theory of karma can explain the inexplicable, and how karma provides incentive to live a kind and honest life.Free trial of GaiaS1 E5 - The Limbs of Yoga
August 31, 20165minNicolai Bachman introduces the eight limbs of yoga, as delineated in the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali.Free trial of GaiaS1 E6 - Ahimsa: Nonviolence as the Foremost Practice
August 31, 20167minNicolai Bachman discusses ahimsa, or non-violence, as the first element of the first limb of yoga.Free trial of GaiaS1 E7 - Ahimsa: Nonviolence as Loving Kindness
August 31, 20165minNicolai Bachman continues his discussion of ahimsa, or non-violence, by looking at some causes of violence.Free trial of GaiaS1 E8 - Satya: Truthfulness as Honesty and Integrity
August 31, 20167minNicolai Bachman continues his yoga talks about the Limbs of Yoga. Satya, or truthfulness, allows us to become our own hero by maintaining our integrity.Free trial of GaiaS1 E9 - Truthfulness as Clear, Nonviolent Communication
August 31, 20167minSatya, as truthfulness, as clear, honest communication, will improve your life immensely by reducing misunderstandings and miscommunications, and truly cleansing and clarifying your heart-mind field of consciousness.Free trial of Gaia
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