S1 E1 - Asian Fusion
November 11, 202032minJames kicks off his culinary adventure with a uniquely British spin on food from across the Asian continent. There’s (con)fusion aplenty as he experiments with some rather unexpected ingredients, all under the watchful gaze of the pantry-residing home economist Nikki.Join PrimeS1 E2 - Pub Classics
November 12, 202032minIn preparation for this episode James has selflessly undertaken nearly forty years of meticulous fieldwork. With a pint in hand, he fries the perfect steak, puts a metropolitan liberal elite spin on humble pie, and tops it all off with something the Brits do rather well: vandalism.Join PrimeS1 E3 - Pasta
November 12, 202029minThe Mediterranean calls and James dives headfirst into the world of pasta. With home economist Nikki at his side (when she’s not in her cupboard), he whips up an array of Italian classics – some more tradizionale than others. From antique kitchen gadgets to carbonara conundrums, James washes down his Apennine adventures with a glass (bottle) of Chianti.Join PrimeS1 E4 - Curry
November 12, 202028minAsian icon, British favourite. James attempts to tear up the takeaway menus and cook an Indian inspired feast featuring lamb keema, dal, chapatis, and a speedy raita. Can our have-a-Goa kitchen hero impress home economist Nikki with a Delhi-cate balance of spices?Join PrimeS1 E5 - Pudding
November 12, 202030minJames sets out to prove that the proof really is in the pudding, as cakes, custards and crumbles are all on the menu today. With a bit of help from Nikki his Victoria Sponge turns out a triumph, while revisiting a simple youthful pleasure results in a Spotted Dick.Join PrimeS1 E6 - Breakfast
November 12, 202029minRegularly described as the most important meal of the day before elevenses, James is living proof that eating a regular, hearty breakfast can make you fitter and healthier. In this episode he succeeds with a Middle Eastern classic but makes a right hash of a specialty closer to home. Then it’s time to channel his inner hipster with some avocado soldiers.Join PrimeS1 E7 - Roast
November 12, 202028minJames concludes his culinary journey with the oft weekend nemesis, the Sunday roast. Disavowing the usual television skulduggery and having promised he’ll make the crew lunch, the race is on to get everything ready at the same time. Expect spuds, sprouts, and musings on a mid-life crisis.Join Prime
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