Jesus The Game Changer
S1 E1 - Game Changer
Watch on supported devicesSeptember 4, 201827minJesus of Nazareth is the most influential person in human history and the trajectory of the world pivoted on His life and teaching. This episode introduces the series, that Jesus is the ultimate Game Changer and that He continues to 'change the game' in people's lives.Watch for freeS1 E2 - Jesus
Watch on supported devicesSeptember 4, 201827minTo give a foundation of Jesus being the Game Changer, it is important to establish Jesus as the significant historical figure that He was. This episode explores the validity of His existence, how we can be confident in the writings about Jesus and the difference that knowing Him makes.Watch for freeS1 E3 - Equality
Watch on supported devicesSeptember 4, 201827minToday, one of the basic foundational values of our free democratic nations is the equality of all people but that has not always been the case and is still not valued in some nations even today. This episode shows the link between the teaching of Jesus on the dignity of every life and how game changers throughout history have lived in response to this belief, including William Wilberforce.Watch for freeS1 E4 - Forgiveness
Watch on supported devicesSeptember 4, 201827minWhile Jesus is not the only religious leader to talk about forgiveness, His teaching, life, death and resurrection completely changed the game when it comes to extending forgiveness to all who accept Him. This episode looks at Jesus' teaching and gives an intimate look at the life of Hashim Garrett and the impact of his radical act of forgiveness.Watch for freeS1 E5 - Women
Watch on supported devicesSeptember 4, 201827minJesus' love and inclusion of women was in stark contrast to the rest of the society in which He lived. It was radical for its day and is liberating still to this day. This episode looks at the attitude of Jesus towards women and how the Early Church carried that teaching forward to value women in their communities.Watch for freeS1 E6 - Democracy
Watch on supported devicesSeptember 4, 201827minWhile Jesus does not teach us directly to go and create a democracy, history shows that His teaching on things like faith, freedom and character underpin robust and free democracies. It is these pillars which provide the best conditions for human flourishing. Dietrich Bonhoeffer is the game changer featured in this episode.Watch for freeS1 E7 - Care
Watch on supported devicesSeptember 4, 201827minOne of the values most widely accepted in western culture is that we should care for others. In Jesus' day, the Greco-Roman world was a brutal place for those without family to support them but Jesus showed a new way to care for the lost, the last and the least. This impacted the followers of Jesus so deeply that they went on to change the world.Watch for freeS1 E8 - Leadership
Watch on supported devicesSeptember 4, 201827minIn the Greco-Roman world, humility and service were not viewed as virtues. It was not until the first century that humility was written about as something to be admired. From an historical perspective, Jesus taught that the first should be last and demonstrated the ultimate act of humility by dying on a Roman cross for all of humanity.Watch for freeS1 E9 - Education
Watch on supported devicesSeptember 4, 201827minThe idea that education is a right for every person is a fairly recent development in human history. A key motivation for education across the centuries has been that everyone ought to be able to read the Bible. It has been Christians and the Church, committed to this aim that has lead to the development of schools and universities.Watch for freeS1 E10 - Health
Watch on supported devicesSeptember 4, 201827min"Whatever you did for the least of these, you did for me". This revolutionary teaching of Jesus changed the world! In the first centuries of the Early Church and ever since, the followers of Jesus have remembered that they followed a Man who healed the sick and cared for those in need. This has lead to the establishment of hospitals and places to care for the sick and dying.Watch for freeS1 E11 - Wealth
Watch on supported devicesSeptember 4, 201827minIn this fresh and exciting new series Jesus the Game Changer, well-known Christian communicator Karl takes an intellectual look at the evidence for Jesus' existence and His impact on the world.Watch for freeS1 E12 - Reason and Science
Watch on supported devicesSeptember 4, 201827minScience and religion are often believed to be in opposition but this episode explores the compatibility of science and faith in God. The viewer will be introduced to some of the most famous scientists in history who were also people of faith. The discipline of scientific exploration is therefore not at odds with a belief in the God of order and design.Watch for freeS1 E13 - Justice
Watch on supported devicesSeptember 4, 201827minOne of the themes of the Old Testament, which was unique for that time, was God's heart for justice. This was fulfilled in the life and teaching of Jesus and carried on by the Early Church. Over the centuries, the church has not had a spotless record in this area but people such as Martin Luther King Jr stand out as champions for justice.Watch for free
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