Latin 101: Learning a Classical Language
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S1 E1 - Pronouncing Classical Latin
November 14, 201333minSalvete! Greetings! Ease into your study of Latin by admiring its beauty and impressive history. Then focus on the letters and sounds of the restored classical pronunciation, which approximates the way Latin was spoken in the classical era. Finally, cover the rules of accents.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E2 - Introduction to Third-Conjugation Verbs
November 14, 201329minBegin your adventure in Latin verbs with the third conjugation, practicing the present tense indicative of ago (I do). Learn the four principal parts of ago - the key words that allow you to conjugate any form - as well as the imperative endings that permit you to issue commands.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E3 - Introduction to the Subjunctive Mood
November 14, 201332minSee how the long vowel "a" is the key to the present subjunctive mood in verbs such as pono (I place). The subjunctive expresses doubt or potential, and you explore its use by the poet Catullus in one of the most famous love poems to survive from the ancient world.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E4 - The Irregular Verbs Sum and Possum
November 14, 201330minLearn two important irregular verbs, sum (I am) and possum (I am able), mastering their present tense indicative, imperative, infinitive, and subjunctive forms. Notice how the tiniest linguistic details can be powerful markers, giving rise to Latin's great economy of expression.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E5 - Introduction to Third-Declension Nouns
November 14, 201329minHaving conjugated verbs, now learn to decline nouns. Investigate the largest class of nouns, called third declension. Discover the function of the five cases and how to identify the noun stem. Then practice with masculine and feminine nouns.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E6 - Third-Declension Neuter Nouns
November 14, 201331minAfter a review of verb and noun endings covered so far, focus on third- declension neuter nouns, specifically the word corpus (body). Note the distinctive features of the neuter declension, then practice these endings. Close by exploring several celebrated Latin expressions that feature corpus.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E7 - First- and Second-Declension Adjectives
November 14, 201332minAdjectives must agree in number, case, and gender with the nouns they modify. Review a chart of the endings for first- and second-declension adjectives. Then practice matching adjectives with nouns in examples such as nox perpetua (everlasting night) and basium fervidum (fiery kiss).Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E8 - First- and Second-Declension Nouns
November 14, 201332minStudy first- and second-declension nouns, discovering that they have the same endings as first- and second-declension adjectives - with some peculiarities. Close by translating your first complex sentence in Latin, which involves a shocking incident in Rome's Temple of Vesta.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E9 - Introduction to the Passive Voice
November 14, 201332minSee how the magic of personal endings makes the passive voice in Latin elegantly simple - unlike awkward passive constructions in English. After practicing the present tense passive indicative of the third conjugation, translate passages from the Roman authors Cicero and Virgil.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E10 - Third -io and Fourth-Conjugation Verbs
November 14, 201329minInvestigate two classes of verbs similar to pono: the third-io and fourth conjugations. Learn the forms in the present tense active indicative. Then discover that you can understand the commands in the original Latin of the famous Christmas carol "O Come All Ye Faithful!"Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E11 - First- and Second-Conjugation Verbs
November 14, 201328minYour knowledge of the third, third-io, and fourth conjugations paves the way for mastery of the remaining two patterns, the first and second conjugations, which are more regular than those already covered. Practice all five conjugations, and continue your translation of "O Come All Ye Faithful!"Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E12 - Reading a Famous Latin Love Poem
November 14, 201328minReap the rewards of your labors by reading and appreciating one of the most beautiful poems in Latin, which declares the poet Catullus's love for Clodia, whom he calls Lesbia to hide her identity. In the poem, encounter many of the grammatical forms you have studied so far.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E13 - The Present Passive of All Conjugations
November 14, 201332minYou have learned present passive forms in the third conjugation. Now cover the present passive endings in the first, second, third-io, and fourth conjugations. Close by deciphering a passage from the book of Genesis in St. Jerome's Latin translation, and analyze a pagan prayer to the emperor Tiberius.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E14 - Third-Declension Adjectives
November 14, 201331minDictionary entries for third-declension adjectives can be disconcertingly terse. Learn that these adjectives are actually easier to decline than first- and second-declension adjectives that you have already learned. Apply your new knowledge by declining Catullus's phrase brevis lux (brief light).Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E15 - Third-Declension I-Stem Nouns
November 14, 201330minExplore a subset of third-declension nouns that has the letter "i" in certain forms. Called i-stems, these endings closely resemble those for third-declension adjectives. Expand your grasp of Latin morphology and syntax by reading passages from Cato the Elder, an arch-traditionalist of Roman values.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E16 - The Relative Pronoun
November 14, 201330minPronouns that introduce a relative clause are called relative pronouns. Investigate these valuable words, which unlock the doors to Latin prose and are unusually enjoyable to chant aloud. Experience relative pronouns in action by translating two extracts from Sallust's The Conspiracy of Catiline.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E17 - The Imperfect and Future Tenses
November 14, 201329minHaving mastered the most challenging tense of all in Latin, the present tense, learn the future and imperfect tenses, which are governed by simpler rules. Practice the active and passive forms in all four conjugations. Also encounter the imperfect subjunctive.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E18 - Building Translation Skills
November 14, 201330minApply your skills with the future and imperfect tenses to Latin texts. First, behold a lover's quarrel in a poem by Catullus. Then, scrutinize a disingenuous claim by Julius Caesar. Next, read a brief passage from the Magna Carta, and close with two pithy sayings by Dionysius Cato.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E19 - Using the Subjunctive Mood
November 14, 201329minSt. Jerome's Latin translation of the Bible is an excellent text for beginning Latin students. Grasp the wisdom of Solomon by analyzing four verses from chapter 1 of the book of Proverbs. Your knowledge of Latin forms will enrich your understanding of these ancient sayings.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E20 - Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns
November 14, 201329minStudy the three most basic demonstrative adjectives in Latin, and see how they can be used as pronouns. Then look at similar words that decline the same way. Close with a passage from Cicero that showcases the dramatic use of demonstrative adjective to indict a corrupt politician.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E21 - The Perfect Tense Active System
November 14, 201333minTackle three new tenses: the perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect in the active voice. The perfect tense denotes completed action, contrasting with the uncompleted action of the imperfect. Finish by conjugating duco (I lead) for all of the active tenses learned so far.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E22 - Forming and Using Participles
November 14, 201331minParticiples usefully combine characteristics of both verbs and adjectives. Learn the rules for forming Latin participles, and investigate some of their many applications. Close by translating the Latin from the Great Seal of the United States, which includes the perfect passive participle coeptus (having been begun).Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E23 - Using the Infinitive
November 14, 201328minEnhance your knowledge of infinitives by learning perfect active and passive infinitives, as well as future active and passive infinitives. Then see how these forms are used for indirect discourse, which involves a crucial exception to the rule that subjects are always in the nominative case.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E24 - Reading a Passage from Caesar
November 14, 201331minWith judicious help, you are now ready to read significant extracts of authentic Latin prose. Work through three sentences from Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War. This exciting narrative is written in a direct, eloquent style that has enthralled readers for 2,000 years.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E25 - The Perfect Tense Passive System
November 14, 201331minComplete all the tenses of the Latin verb by learning the perfect passive, which uses a form of the verb sum together with the past participle. Close with an example of this construction in an ancient historian's description of Caesar's notorious death.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buy
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