Leaps In Evolution
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S1 E1 - The Origin Of Eyes
November 23, 201556minFive hundred million years ago, our eyeless ancestral creatures suddenly developed eyes, a dramatic leap in evolution. What enabled our ancestors to evolve with eyes has long been a mystery. Now, scientists are close to a solution, using cutting-edge DNA research.This title is unavailable due to expired rightsS1 E2 - Creation Of Motherly Love
November 23, 201549minHuman mothers raise fetuses inside their wombs and breast feed their babies for a long time after birth. What made humans evolve so that we raise our children so affectionately? Scientists believe that our ancestors experienced unforeseen dramatic changes in DNA under threats of extinction.This title is unavailable due to expired rightsS1 E3 - And Finally, Intelligence!
November 23, 201549minHomo sapiens are the only creatures on earth privileged with high intelligence that allows us to be civilized. What evolutionary odyssey did we take to be granted this intelligence? The latest DNA research has discovered a key ancient incident that could solve this million-dollar mystery.Free trial of Curiosity Stream
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- Yui AragakiMichael RhysYuka KubotaYukihiko ItoDonald HendersonLawrence WitmerNicholas ConardDale RussellZhe-Xi LuoJi Qiang
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