Mind-Body Medicine: The New Science of Optimal Health
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S1 E1 - Weaving the Biopsychosocial Braid
October 31, 202334minBegin by contemplating three of the course's core questions: Why do people get sick? How do people get well? What can we do about it? As a guiding context for the lectures, learn about the biopsychosocial paradigm, which looks at the relationship between the biological, psychological, and social factors in human health.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E2 - Vital Signs - Defining Health and Illness
October 31, 202330minWhat does it mean to be healthy? Here, look at definitions of health, sickness, and disease as multidimensional constructs. Examine how we measure health, both individually and publicly. Review health determinants such as human behavior, geography, the environment, genetics, and economic factors in approaching a more holistic model of health.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E3 - Fight or Flight vs. Rest and Digest
October 31, 202332minBegin to look at the biological pathways whereby psychological and social phenomena affect the body. Study the autonomic nervous system, the biology of the "fight or flight" response, and its opposite, the relaxation response. Also learn about the body's stress-response system and the medical consequences of chronic stress.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E4 - Simmering Soup - The Neuroendocrine System
October 31, 202332minHere, study the anatomy and function of the endocrine system as it affects the body's stress response. Learn how the endocrine system releases cortisol, the "stress hormone," into the bloodstream, and the physiologic changes that cortisol produces. Review the problems caused by cortisol imbalance and key approaches to controlling stress.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E5 - Deploying the Troops - Basic Immunology
October 31, 202332minWhat is the relation of the mind to the immune system? Study how the immune system fights foreign organisms, destroys altered cells, and heals wounds. Then examine studies showing the effects of stress on front-line immune response, susceptibility to disease, and wound healing. Learn also how meditation can boost immune function.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E6 - Nature vs. Nurture - Genes, Health, and Disease
October 31, 202331minReview the basic science of genetics and inheritance as a lead-in to the fascinating field of epigenetics. Grasp how genes are biologically expressed or "turned on" and how our behaviors and environment can alter our genetic material (for better or worse) within our lifetimes - alterations that can be passed on to subsequent generations.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E7 - Forget Me Not - Cognitive Function
October 31, 202331minIn the first of two lectures on cognition, look at definitions of intelligence and whether intelligence can be changed. Consider the many factors affecting IQ and whether IQ correlates to achievement. Learn about "neurobics" and other ways to improve cognitive functioning, and study the nature of learning and memory.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E8 - Mind over Matter - Cognition in Everyday Life
October 31, 202330minBegin this lecture by studying the power of belief and how it can affect our health. Learn about the "dual process" model of thinking and how thinking affects behavior. With reference to cognitive therapy and positive psychology, study reflexive or "automatic" thinking and practical approaches to changing our thinking, emotions, and behavior.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E9 - Emotions Revealed - Psychology of Emotions
October 31, 202328minConsider the function of emotions—what they signal and communicate and how we express them, both verbally and in many nonverbal ways. Study their evolutionary purpose, including the role of positive emotions in problem solving and creativity. Review studies of happiness and the specific health effects of different emotional states.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E10 - Agony and Ecstasy - Biology of Emotion
October 31, 202333minLearn about the parts of the brain that correlate to emotional experience as they generate emotions and emotion-based memories and regulate our behavior. Note the physiologic "signature" of different emotions - the physical changes emotions produce - and track experiments indicating that altering physical posture and movement changes emotional experience.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E11 - What’s Your EQ, and How Can You Improve It?
October 31, 202331minThis lecture introduces the concept of emotional intelligence: how we perceive, use, understand, and manage emotions. Explore different models of EQ and ways of testing it as they relate to health and the regulation of emotions. Study key strategies for managing negative emotions and for generating positive ones.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E12 - What’s Your Type? Personality and Health
October 31, 202330minHow is personality related to health and disease? Learn about the history of personality testing and the identification of personality "types" based in behavioral traits. Study what these typologies may predict about health matters such as depression and cardiovascular disease, and consider ways to compensate for risk-carrying personality traits.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E13 - An Apple a Day - Behavior and Disease Prevention
October 31, 202332minBegin by investigating health-related behaviors, such as smoking, substance abuse, and overeating. In exploring why we behave as we do, look at biological factors, the neuroscience of addiction and habits, and also at psychological and social determinants of behavior such as socioeconomic status, culture, education, and societal pressures.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E14 - Staying on the Wagon - Making Changes That Last
October 31, 202333minHere, investigate leading models of behavioral change, including the "stages of change" model and "motivational interviewing," a group of strategies to support people in action taking. In specific examples, study four key elements of successful behavior change, the nature of willpower, and the internal skills of self-regulation.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E15 - Ease the Burn - Modern-Day Stress and Coping
October 31, 202331minThis lecture discusses stress as an integration of biology, cognition, behavior, and social and emotional factors. Look at stress response and coping as a developmental skill, and explore eight kinds of coping behavior. Then review a menu of stress-management options, both cognitive and behavioral, highlighting mindfulness meditation and the skill of resilience.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E16 - The Iceberg - Visible and Hidden Identity
October 31, 202333minMoving to social factors related to health, explore how health is affected by identity. Observe how personal identity is embedded in culture, and study the features of identity formation, using examples of race and gender. Look at the impact of stereotypes and labels as they affect both health and health care.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E17 - Ties That Bind - Relationships and Health
October 31, 202331minNow take an in-depth look at relationships and at the kinds of support that social connections can provide. Review the substantial research linking social support to health, in conditions from cardiovascular disease to breast cancer and pregnancy. Finally, use an assessment tool to evaluate the quality of your own social support network.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E18 - Building Bridges - Intimacy and Relationships
October 31, 202332minIn deepening your look at social factors that affect health, refer to the assessment tool from Lecture 17 and consider ways to strengthen and improve your network of social support. Learn about therapeutic approaches to developing intimacy and resolving conflict in relationships. Also study strategies for managing anger and cultivating empathy.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E19 - Touched by Grace - Spirituality and Health
October 31, 202332minLook first at statistics on the prevalence of spirituality, and consider how faith can affect wellness through fostering healthy behaviors, social support, and a sense of meaning. Review studies on the health effects of spirituality, encompassing the physiology of meditation and other faith-based practices, and the significant medical benefits of forgiveness.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E20 - A Matter of Class - Socioeconomics and Health
October 31, 202333minSocioeconomic status plays a multilayered role in health. Examine the marked correlation of income to health and the diverse factors that contribute to it. Study evidence on the relation of education level to longevity and to specific medical conditions. Finally, review studies showing surprising connections between social status and susceptibility to disease.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E21 - A Cog in the Wheel - Occupational Stress
October 31, 202333minHere, investigate stress in the workplace and the phenomenon of professional burnout. Study research on stress correlated with job category, and the common elements of work-related stress. Learn about ways of measuring individual and organizational stress, links to the onset of medical conditions, and cutting-edge strategies for treating stress.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E22 - The Power of Place - Communities and Health
October 31, 202332minOur living environment plays another significant role in health. Assess how neighborhoods affect health, from environmental exposures to the extraordinary benefits of green spaces and contact with nature. Track the effects of our social communities on health-related behaviors, and consider how we can alter our built environments to be healthier.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E23 - The Master Plan - Public Health and Policy
October 31, 202333minIn a far-reaching look at public health, learn about the field of behavioral economics—its study of the realities of human behavior and how we might use our behavioral tendencies in new ways. Grasp the concept of "choice architecture" as it allows us to make public policy that authentically supports healthier communities.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E24 - Heart and Soul - Cardiovascular Disease I
October 31, 202332minCardiovascular disease shows significant links to psychological and social factors. Study the anatomy and physiology of heart disease as well as the similar pathophysiology of strokes, and review studies revealing startling correlations of stress, personality type, hostility, and depression with cardiovascular function and dysfunction.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buyS1 E25 - Heart and Soul - Cardiovascular Disease II
October 31, 202332minNow look at psychosocial interventions for treating heart disease. Survey the range of behavior change interventions, including diet and exercise, and dramatic evidence that cardiac disease can actually be reversed through lifestyle change. Also track the significant cardiac benefits of stress management, and evaluate the usefulness of treatments for anger and depression.Free trial of The Great Courses Living or buy
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