S1 E1 - Moonshine Season Starts
December 5, 201144minMoonshiner Tim and his partner, Tickle, search Appalachia for the perfect site to set up his still. Law enforcement agent Jesse Tate is on the hunt for his first big arrest but runs into a dangerous web of counter-surveillance.Free trial of discovery+ or buyS1 E2 - Point of No Return
December 6, 201144minMoonshiner Tim and his partner, Tickle, perform a sacred rite that is rarely captured on film -- firing up their still for the first time. Everything goes smoothly until an emergency calls Tim away.Free trial of discovery+ or buyS1 E3 - The Law Comes Knockin'
December 13, 201144minEquipment failure and an intruder threaten Tim and Tickle's first run of moonshine. Meanwhile, law enforcement agent Jesse Tate busts a nip joint, and moonshining legend Popcorn Sutton runs some 'shine the old-fashioned way.Free trial of discovery+ or buyS1 E4 - Outlaw Brotherhood
December 20, 201144minMoonshiners Tim and Tickle soup up Tim's hot rod when they are forced into a daring, daytime bootlegging run. Meanwhile, a hurricane threatens the still site, and a new bootlegging biker legend sets out on an 800 mile run.Free trial of discovery+ or buyS1 E5 - A Price to Pay
December 27, 201144minWith the leaves falling, moonshiner Tim makes a risky move and adds a second pot to the still site to double his profits. Meanwhile, Tickle has a bad accident, and agent Jesse prepares for the mother lode of all busts.Free trial of discovery+ or buyS1 E6 - A Moonshiner's Farewell
January 3, 201244minOne moonshiner comes to an untimely end. Meanwhile, Tim and Tickle risk it all, running 'shine day and night, making more money than Tim's ever made. Agent Jesse makes a big move when he ambushes an active still site.Free trial of discovery+ or buyS1 E7 - Bootleg Hustle
April 17, 201244minIt's the dead of winter in Appalachia, and moonshine season is months away. Moonshiner Tim and his partner, Tickle, are planning a daring 100-mile bootleg run capped with a risky midday moonshine transfer.Free trial of discovery+ or buy
More info
- None available
- Dean BushalaNoah DanoffBrian Garton
- Bill Howard
- Jeremy Schwartz
- Discovery Channel
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