
News Of A Kidnapping

Season 1
The early 90s, Colombia. The government tries to combat drug trafficking with extradition laws. Maruja Pachón and Beatriz Villamizar - the wife and sister of congressman Alberto Villamizar - are kidnapped by the Extraditables. The police begin a search for clues that could help them close in on the kidnappers, and Alberto joins the operation to rescue his family.
IMDb 7.520226 episodesX-RayHDRUHD16+
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  1. S1 E1 - Dear Alberto

    August 11, 2022
    Early '90s, Colombia. The government tries to fight drug trafficking with extradition laws. Maruja Pachón and Beatriz Villamizar, the wife and the sister of congressman Alberto Villamizar, are kidnapped by the Extraditables. The police start a search to get clues that will bring them closer to the kidnappers and Alberto joins the operation to rescue his family.
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  2. S1 E2 - The President's Daughter

    August 11, 2022
    Diana Turbay has been held captive by the Extraditables, along with her team of journalists, for three months. The mood is tense amongst the captors, which puts Diana’s life in danger. Her mother Nydia and her daughter Carolina no longer know what else to do to secure her release. Alberto loses hope that the president will help him and, changing his strategy, he meets with Escobar’s lawyer.
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  3. S1 E3 - Divine Child

    August 11, 2022
    Due to the death of one of the Extraditables in an ambush, Maruja’s life is at stake in the face of Pablo Escobar’s rage, as she becomes his next target. Alberto travels to Medellín to negotiate with Escobar’s lawyer, but he soon finds himself at a dead-end. Nydia intervenes and Alberto gets Fabio Ochoa's help to try to save Maruja.
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  4. S1 E4 - Bare Feet

    August 11, 2022
    The special forces get the location of the place in Antioquia where Diana Turbay is held captive. In the midst of a major operation, the captors try to escape by taking the hostages and clashing violently with the militia. In Bogota, tension rises in the house where Maruja and Beatriz are being held.
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  5. S1 E5 - Among Cries and Scrap

    August 11, 2022
    Maruja is left alone and without hope, then falls gravely ill. There is no longer anyone to control the hitmen in the house at Engativá. Alberto, with some new leads, goes out in search of Maruja’s whereabouts.
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  6. S1 E6 - Mar de Coveñas

    August 11, 2022
    Maruja manages to send a message to Alberto, who turns to Father García Herreros to get him to try to negotiate with Pablo Escobar. Alberto and Father García Herreros secretly travel to Medellín to meet with Escobar, while Maruja faces an uncertain destiny.
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AGC Studios InvercineWood Noticia de Inc


Juan Pablo RabaCristina UmañaMajida IssaMark McKinneyScott Thompson


Amazon Studios
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