Open Minds
201524 episodes
S1 E1 - Michael Tellinger on Secrets of Lost Civilizations
December 31, 201458minJoin Michael Tellinger in this episode of Open Minds on Secrets of Lost Civilizations. Tellinger's incredible work reveals humanity's previously unknown history as well as its incredible potential.Free trial of GaiaS1 E2 - Paul Von Ward on the Secrets of the Cosmos
December 31, 201457minJoin Paul Von Ward in this episode of Open Minds on The Secrets of the Cosmos. His scholarly approach to this topic provides an exciting glimpse into the infinite potential around us.Free trial of GaiaS1 E3 - Richard Dolan on UFO Cover-Ups
December 31, 201458minJoin Richard Dolan in this episode of Open Minds on UFO Cover-Ups. As one of the foremost minds working to unravel these lies, Dolan provides unprecedented insight into this issue.Free trial of GaiaS1 E4 - Jon Rappoport on Pharmaceutical Fraud
December 31, 201460minJoin Jon Rappoport in this episode of Open Minds on Pharmaceutical Fraud. Rappaport provides an absolutely fascinating look into the nefarious workings of the pharmaceutical industry.This title is unavailable due to expired rightsS1 E5 - Chris Dunn on the Technologies of Ancient Egypt
December 31, 201453minJoin Chris Dunn in this episode of Open Minds on The Technologies of Ancient Egypt. Dunn's understanding of structural engineering brings forth an entirely unique perspective.Free trial of GaiaS1 E6 - Stephen Belgin on the New Money
December 31, 201460minJoin Stephen Belgin in this episode of Open Minds on The New Money. In this inspiring interview, Belgian explains where money fails society and what changes could improve its future.Free trial of GaiaS1 E7 - Dr. Lynne Kitei on UFO sightings
December 31, 20141 h 1 minJoin Dr. Lynne Kitei in this episode of Open Minds on UFO sightings. An otherworldly phenomenon changed Katie's life and perspective forever.Free trial of GaiaS1 E8 - Andrew Hoffman on the Wall Street Cartel
December 31, 201457minJoin Andrew Hoffman in this episode of Open Minds on The Wall Street Cartel. Explore the possibilities and dangerous potential in the world's financial future.Free trial of GaiaS1 E9 - Jon Rappoport on Secret Societies
December 31, 201458minJoin Jon Rappoport in this episode of Open Minds on Secret Societies. Enjoy a different perspective regarding to who rules this planet and the direction they're taking us.Free trial of GaiaS1 E10 - Dr. Judy Wood on The Truth about 9/11
December 31, 201455minJoin Dr. Judy Wood in this episode of Open Minds on The Truth about 9/11. Her professional perspective sheds an interesting light on that fated day.Free trial of GaiaS1 E11 - Compton Rom on Micronutrients that Heal
December 31, 201454minJoin Compton Rom in this episode of Open Minds on Micronutrients that Heal. When the earth provides the answers, Rom listens and shares those cures with the world.Free trial of GaiaS1 E12 - John Perkins on Corporatocracy
December 31, 201458minJoin John Perkins in this episode of Open Minds on Corporatocracy. Perkins explains our present predicament and explores how we might take back our future.Free trial of GaiaS1 E13 - Semir Osmanagich on Bosnian Pyramids
December 31, 201459minJoin Semir Osmanagich in this episode of Open Minds on Bosnian Pyramids. He discusses uncovering one of the greatest recent archaeological discoveries and explores its mysteries.Free trial of GaiaS1 E14 - Linda Moulton Howe on Unearthly Phenomenon
December 31, 201458minJoin Linda Moulton Howe in this episode of Open Minds on Earthly Phenomenon. Dig into the otherworldly mysteries surrounding a structure found underground right here in the United States.Free trial of GaiaS1 E15 - Ellen Brown on Banking Reform
December 31, 201457minJoin Ellen Brown in this episode of Open Minds on Banking Reform. An advocate for publicly owned banks, Brown provides insight on the failures of our current system.Free trial of GaiaS1 E16 - Patrick Flanagan on Tesla Technology
December 31, 201457minJoin Patrick Flanagan in this episode of Open Minds on Tesla Technology. A leader in his field, Flanagan provides fascinating insight into Tesla's life's work.Free trial of GaiaS1 E18 - Carmen Boulter on the Secrets of the Pyramids
December 31, 201457minWere the ancient Egyptians more technologically advanced than we are today? Researcher Dr. Carmen Boulter shared her remarkable findings with Regina Meredith.Free trial of GaiaS1 E19 - Sterling Allan on Alternative Energies
December 31, 201456minJoin Sterling Allan in this episode of Open Minds on Alternative Energies. These innovations could not only change the way we live; they could help preserve the planet.This title is unavailable due to expired rightsS1 E19 - Patrick Flanagan on Secrets for a Long Life
December 31, 201456minJoin Dr. Patrick Flanagan in this episode of Open Minds on Secrets for a Long Life. His innovations seek to change the way we age.Free trial of GaiaS1 E20 - David Icke on the Rise of Big Brother's Brother
December 31, 201460minJoin David Icke in this episode of Open Minds on The Rise of Big Brother's Brother. Icke explores covert observation techniques used to manage us in this interview.This video is currently unavailableS1 E20 - Klaus Dona on Lemuria and the Origins of Civilization
December 31, 201455minJoin Klaus Dona in this episode of Open Minds on Lemuria and the Origins of Civilization. Few topics prove more intriguing than when everything we thought we knew about our past is proven wrong.Free trial of GaiaS1 E22 - Jim Channon on Psychic Spies and Remote Viewing
December 31, 201459minJoin Jim Channon in this episode of Open Minds on Psychic Spies and Remote Viewing. His experience seeing these skills put to use provide insight into this country's most delicate operations.Free trial of GaiaS1 E23 - Jay Weidner on Season of the Apocalypse
December 31, 201460minJoin Jay Weidner in this episode of Open Minds on the Season of the Apocalypse. Ancient predictions ring true as humanity collectively grows into its next phase.Free trial of GaiaS1 E24 - Andrew Harvey on Radical Passion
December 31, 201459minJoin Andrew Harvey in this episode of Open Minds on Radical Passion. Harvey seeks to inspire a collective shift toward treating each other and the planet with compassion and consideration.Free trial of Gaia
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