Secret Societies

Season 1
They act in the shadows and are secretive in their practice of ancient rituals Secret societies play a far larger role in our lives than we are aware of Books like those of author Dan Brown have brought them into the limelight This fascinating series features historian Dr Marian Fuumlssel who has mounted an intensive search for clues to historyrsquos most famous secret societies and conspiracy
3 episodesTV-14
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  1. S1 E1 - The Heirs Of The Knights Templar

    The Ideals Of The Freemasons Are According To Them Liberty Equality Fraternity Tolerance And Humanity However Others Say That This Secret Society Has Very Different Goals Namely Political Power
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  2. S1 E2 - The Code of the Illuminati

    The secret brotherhood of the Illuminati dreamed of having their members occupy crucial positions of power thereby creating a new fairer state Though they were banned in 1785 rumors that lsquothe enlightened ones still exist in secret cannot be dispelled
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  3. S1 E3 - The Masks Of The Conspirators

    Did The Americans Really Land On The Moon Who Was Really Behind 911 Did Jesus Start A Family And Whats Behind Theories Of Attempted World Domination By The Jews Investigate Some Of The Most Famous Conspiracy Theories Of Modern Times
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