
Shark Squad

Season 1
Around the world, a group of scientists are risking their lives to come face-to-face with the most fearsome sharks in the ocean. From researchers in Guadalupe attempting to attach a camera to a great white, to a dedicated 'shark lab' in the Bahamas investigating shark migration and overall intelligence, join a thrilling journey into the hidden habitats of these premier marine predators.
20183 episodesTV-G
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  1. S1 E1 - Guadalupe: Island of the White Sharks

    July 12, 2018
    On the island of Guadalupe, shark researchers are on a mission: to attach a 'shark cam' to the dorsal fin of a great white. The reward is an unprecedented look into never-before-seen behaviors of a fearsome ocean dweller, but can they hold their nerve in the face of a predator that's designed to kill?
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  2. S1 E2 - Bahamas Shark Lab

    July 26, 2018
    In 2011, the Bahamas outlawed shark hunting. Today, the clear blue waters off Bimini teem with over 40 species, ranging from oceanic whitetips to tiger sharks. Thanks to modern ultrasonic tagging technology, scientists are learning more about the movement and motivation of these fearsome ocean leviathans.
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  3. S1 E3 - Chasing Mako

    July 26, 2018
    With speeds exceeding 40 miles per hour, the mako is the fastest shark in the world. But can it outpace the overfishing and habitat destruction that humans have caused off the coast of New Zealand? Meet a team of local researchers using advanced tracking technology to understand the challenges facing this embattled species, before it's too late.
    Free trial of Paramount+


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Smithsonian Earth
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