Strings Of Passion

This movie is an urban commercial flick set in the City of Joy which tells the story of 3 guys who has one thing in common-their love for music and life. They run the band "Strings of Passion" but are shadowed by the influences of drugs, broken love and bad parenting. They run a ruthless period of drugs until the woman in their lives create magic and rejuvenate them to sensible human beings.
IMDb 6.91 h 38 min201413+
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Flashing lightsviolencefoul languagedrug usesexual content


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Sanghamitra Chowdhury


Shubh MukherjeeAvalok NagpalZeenat AmanIndrani HaldarParu GambhirSangita SonaliRajesh SharmaSaqiSophia CarvalhoIndrani Chakraborty


Angel Digital
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