The Bus of Life

Andrés, a music teacher, has to move to a Basque town to fill the vacant position at an institute. Upon arriving there, on his first day of class, he faints due to a loud ringing in his ear: it is cancer. To receive treatment you must travel to the Bilbao hospital on THE BUS OF LIFE, an old bus that transports all patients in the area free of charge.
IMDb 5.71 h 38 min202416+
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Ibon Cormenzana


Ibon CormenzanaÁngel DurándezAlbert EspelIgnasi EstapéGonzalo GilsanzDavid NaranjoSandra Tapia


Dani RoviraSusana AbaituaJulen CastilloMiriam RubioPablo ScapigliatiJavier TolosaElena IruretaAntonio Durán 'Morris'Amancay GaztañagaAraia Díaz


A Contracorriente Films
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