The Decisive Battles of World History
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S1 E1 - What Makes a Battle Decisive?
June 12, 201433minContemplate the ways in which warfare can change the course of historical events. Examine the factors that make a military battle "decisive," such as its role in transfers of power and its social and political effects, and consider the study of battles as an analytical tool for understanding history.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E2 - 1274 B.C. Kadesh? Greatest Chariot Battle
May 31, 202032minThe battle of Kadesh ushered in an unprecedented era of peace in the ancient Near East. Follow the strategy and tactics of the Egyptian and Hittite armies, featuring each side's distinctive war chariots. Trace the unusual sequence of battlefield events that led to a remarkable treaty, an important forerunner of peaceful diplomacy.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E3 - 479 B.C. Plataea?Greece Wins Freedom
May 31, 202032minIn the 479 B.C. battle of Plataea, Greek "hoplite" forces fighting in phalanxes met the mighty army of the Persian superpower. Study the unfolding of this dramatic engagement, and learn how it ended the Persian threat to Greece and allowed for the flowering of Greece's cultural Golden Age.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E4 - 331 B.C. Gaugamela?Alexander?s Genius
May 31, 202034minThe victory of Alexander at Gaugamela resulted in the spread of Greek culture throughout the Macedonian Empire. Trace Alexander's campaign against the Persians, which led to the battle, and his bloody confrontation with the Persian forces, and grasp the brilliant maneuvers that allowed him to overcome his foe's significant advantages on the battlefield.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E5 - 197 B.C. Cynoscephalae?Legion vs. Phalanx
May 31, 202033minIn 197 B.C., two rival military systems clashed. Learn about the forces of Philip V of Macedon, with their phalanx system; the legacy of Alexander; and the up-and-coming Romans with their "manipular" army based in flexible subunits of soldiers. Assess the far-reaching effects of the battle and its consequences for world history.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E6 - 31 B.C. Actium?Birth of the Roman Empire
May 31, 202031minThis great naval battle resulted from conflict within republican Rome. Follow the intense rivalry between Mark Antony and Octavian for domination of Rome, leading to the fateful events of the confrontation, and observe how it marked the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E7 - 260?110 B.C. China?Struggles for Unification
May 31, 202032minThe wars of the 3rd and 2nd centuries B.C. were crucial in forging the later history of China. Study the military technology of the ancient Chinese and the conflicts through which the first Qin and Han emperors welded together a group of antagonistic kingdoms, creating a united China.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E8 - 636 Yarmouk & al-Qadisiyyah?Islam Triumphs
May 31, 202032minIn these dramatic conflicts, the Islamic Rashidun armies toppled two long-established empires. Learn about their defeat of the Byzantine army at Yarmouk and the Sassanid forces at al-Qadisiyyah, which determined the cultural, linguistic, and religious nature of the Middle East for the next 1,500 years.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E9 - 751 Talas & 1192 Tarain?Islam into Asia
May 31, 202030minExplore military engagements between widely differing cultures. Learn about the 751 battle between the Chinese Tang forces and the Abbasid Caliphate, which altered the religious orientation of central Asia. Then follow the 1192 clash between the Indian Rajputs and a Turkish Islamic army, and its permanent effects on Indian culture.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E10 - 1066 Hastings?William Conquers England
May 31, 202030minThe Battle of Hastings changed the course of both English and world history. Here, encounter the redoubtable figure of William the Conqueror and his 1066 invasion of England to claim the crown. Witness the terrible engagement at Hastings and its outcome, orienting England away from Scandinavian influence and toward Europe.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E11 - 1087 Hattin?Crusader Desert Disaster
May 31, 202031minThe religious and cultural effects of the Christian Crusades are still felt in today's world. Study the origins of the Crusades and the events leading to the fateful confrontation at Hattin between Islamic and Christian forces, which critically altered the course of the wars.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E12 - 1260 Ain Jalut?Can the Mongols Be Stopped?
May 31, 202030minNow, envision a militaristic society that threatened nearly all the civilizations of Asia and Europe. Study the rise of the Mongols, their terrifying conquests, and their astounding military expertise. Witness their clash in 1260 with the Egyptian Mamluks, a rare Mongol defeat that effectively halted their Western expansion.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E13 - 1410 Tannenberg?Cataclysm of Knights
May 31, 202029minThis 15th-century conflict pitted the armies of Poland and Lithuania against the fearsome Germanic order of the Teutonic Knights. Learn about the political background of the bloody confrontation at Tannenberg, the harrowing events on the battlefield, and the deep symbolic significance of the battle that still echoes today.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E14 - Frigidus, Badr, Diu?Obscure Turning Points
May 31, 202030minDiscuss battles that have had extremely important effects, though information about the specific events involved is scanty. Consider the battles of the Frigidus River and Badr, both vital turning points for world religions, and that of Diu, which marked the moment when Europe began its rise to world domination.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E15 - 1521 Tenochtitl?n?Aztecs vs. Conquistadors
May 31, 202030minThe 16th-century Spanish conquest of the Americas resulted in some of the most unusual military encounters of all time. Here, learn about the campaign under Hernán Cortés to conquer Mexico, and how fewer than 1,000 Spaniards defeated the mighty Aztec Empire, which possessed armies comprising tens of thousands of warriors.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E16 - 1532 Cajamarca?Inca vs. Conquistadors
May 31, 202030minContinue with Spain's campaign against the vast and highly organized Inca Empire. Follow the daring maneuvers of the forces under Francisco Pizarro, aided by European military technology and including the kidnap and ransom of the Incan emperor, which enabled 190 men to vanquish an army of 40,000.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E17 - 1526 & 1556 Panipat?Babur & Akbar in India
May 31, 202031minTwo highly significant 16th-century battles were fought at the Indian town of Panipat. Learn about the rise of the Mughal emperors and the military clashes that first opened the door to their advance into India and then solidified their control, establishing a dynasty that would last for centuries.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E18 - 1571 Lepanto?Last Gasp of the Galleys
May 31, 202031minThe conquests of the Ottoman Turks led to the largest naval battle of the Renaissance. Trace the formation of the Holy League, an alliance of Christian powers against the raiding Ottomans; follow the events leading to Lepanto; and study the dramatic naval engagement that ended Turkish incursions into the maritime outposts of Christendom.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E19 - 1592 Sacheon?Yi?s Mighty Turtle Ships
May 31, 202030minThese great naval conflicts left deep imprints on two nations. Chart the 1592 Japanese conquest of Korea, the remarkable naval technologies involved, and the stunning victories of Korean admiral Yi Sun-shin, whose strategic actions defeated two invasions and established him as one of the greatest admirals of all time.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E20 - 1600 Sekigahara?Samurai Showdown
May 31, 202031minIn this journey through the samurai era, learn about the underlying politics and the major figures in the conflict, including one whose wavering loyalty took an astonishing turn on the battlefield. Track the events that unified Japan under a dynasty of shoguns who would rule for 250 years.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E21 - 1683 Vienna?The Great Ottoman Siege
May 31, 202030minThe Ottoman campaign to capture Vienna was one of the largest and most significant in Ottoman history. Study the background of the siege and the military technology and strategy on both sides. Follow the unfolding engagement and the pivotal role of the Polish-Lithuanian armies, and grasp how Vienna marked a turning point for the Ottoman Empire.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E22 - 1709 Poltava?Sweden?s Fall, Russia?s Rise
May 31, 202031minIn the 17th century, Sweden emerged as the most powerful state in northern Europe. Learn about Swedish king Charles XII, his ambition to conquer Russia, and his opponent, the resourceful and determined Tsar Peter I. Witness the Swedish invasion and the battlefield events that constituted a reversal of fortunes for the two countries.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E23 - 1759 Quebec?Battle for North America
May 31, 202030minThis key incident in the Seven Years War between England and France critically shaped the future of North America. Discover the conflict through the eyes of the opposing commanders as the British assault Quebec City. Observe the remarkable serendipity favoring the British in the engagement, leading to an outcome with historic political effects.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E24 - 1776 Trenton?The Revolution?s Darkest Hour
May 31, 202029minIn late 1776, the rebellion of the American colonists appeared to be heading for dismal failure. Here, uncover the dramatic events that were the pivot point of the war. Learn how George Washington, in two critical battles, undertook bold actions to surprise and outwit the British, saving and revitalizing the revolutionary movement.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E25 - 1805 Trafalgar?Nelson Thwarts Napoleon
May 31, 202030minIn 1805, after subduing much of Europe, Napoleon Bonaparte turned his sights on England. Study the events leading to the largest naval battle of the age, as Napoleon's combined French and Spanish fleet met the British navy under Admiral Horatio Nelson. Witness the monumental engagement, marking the beginning of Napoleon's decline.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buy
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