The Greeks

Season 1
They were an extraordinary people born of white rock and blue sea. They invented democracy, distilled logic and reason, wrote plays to plumb the deepest recesses of the soul, and captured the perfection of the human form in athletics and art.
IMDb 7.620163 episodesX-Ray7+
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  1. S1 E1 - Cavemen to Kings

    June 20, 2016
    Uncover the origin story of Western civilization, as the early Greeks rise from nothing and change everything—laying the groundwork for a revolution in human thought.
    Available to buy
  2. S1 E2 - The Good Strife

    June 27, 2016
    The ancient Greeks emerge from the first dark ages to compose timeless epics, compete in the original Olympic Games, conjure theories of nature, and construct the world's first democracy.
    Available to buy
  3. S1 E3 - Chasing Greatness

    July 4, 2016
    Discover how the ancient Greeks reached the peak of civilization—revolutionizing art, architecture, drama, philosophy and government—and left a legacy that still points the way forward.
    Available to buy


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