The Hunting Public
S1 E1 - September 7 - Public Land: Scouting the "Buck Nest"
September 7, 20177minAaron Warbritton and Zach Ferenbaugh head back to the public land "Buck Nest" to hang a trail camera in hopes of getting pictures of a giant buck they call "Ray".Join PrimeS1 E2 - September 14 - Public Land: Nebraska Bowhunt, Coyote at 10 feet
September 14, 20177minZach Ferenbaugh starts his season in the Sandhills of Nebraska on a public land bowhunt. He spends the first morning glassing to locate where bucks are bedding and sneaks in tight to the beds in the afternoon.Join PrimeS1 E3 - September 17-19 - Public Land: Nebraska Bowhunt, Wide Buck Encounter
September 17, 201712minOn the fourth day of his Nebraska hunt, Zach Ferenbaugh sneaks into a pocket of thick cover where he suspects multiple bucks are bedding. As day breaks, several bucks appear and a super wide 9 pointer is heading in Zach's direction!Join PrimeS1 E4 - September 20 - Public Land: Nebraska Bowhunt, Bedding Area Bow Kill
September 20, 201715minOn the 7th day of his Nebraska public land hunt, Zach Ferenbaugh sneaks back into the buck bedding area stand. The aggressive move pays off when a tall 8 pointer steps into an opening at just 10 yards!Join PrimeS1 E5 - September 28 - Public Land: Missouri Bowhunt, Hunting Buck Bedding
September 28, 20178minAaron Warbritton heads to Missouri to hunt public land in his home state. Summer scouting revealed a likely buck bedding area and Aaron and Zach take a long, challenging kayak trip in to hunt this remote area.Join PrimeS1 E6 - September 29 - Public Land: Missouri Bowhunt, Giant 8 pointer at 15 feet!
September 29, 201711minAaron Warbritton and Zach Ferenbaugh are back on public land in Missouri. The action starts fast when Aaron jumps a bedded buck just 15 feet away and comes to full draw as the giant 8 pointer stops on the other side of the creek!Join PrimeS1 E7 - September 30 - Public Land: Missouri Bowhunt, Back after the big 8
September 30, 20179minAaron Warbritton and Zach Ferenbaugh head back after the big 8 pointer they jumped the day before. They believe the buck will be in the same bed as the previous day, and sneak to within 100 yards of the location. At last light Aaron hears footsteps approaching from the direction of the bed...Join PrimeS1 E8 - October 9 - Public Land: Celebrating Success, Hunting the Buck Nest
October 9, 201720minGreg Clements and Brody Vorderstrasse head to one of Greg's favorite public land spots. After kayaking into the location, they hang stands and settle in for the morning hunt, situated close to a known bedding area. Shortly after sunrise a mature doe appears 25 yards away heading directly towards the stand. That evening, Aaron Warbritton hunts the Buck Nest for the first time of the 2017 season.Join PrimeS1 E9 - October 18 - Public Land: Ground Encounter With a Decoy
October 18, 201711minZach Ferenbaugh and Jake Huebschman are hunting from the ground in an area where bucks bed. They are wearing ghillie suits and are carrying a silhouette decoy. Their hope is that deer will be on their feet longer during the morning hours because it is the coolest time of the day. Not long into their walk they run into a mature buck working a scrape line.Join PrimeS1 E10 - October 26 - Public Land: Spot and Stalk Buck
October 26, 201711minAaron and Brody are headed back to the Marsh unit where they spotted the giant buck earlier this week. This time they end up taking a different approach and wind up right in the middle of a buck bedding area. They make a setup on the ground using the high winds to cover their noise and at last light, a shooter buck appears. Watch the video to see what happened next!Join PrimeS1 E11 - October 26 - Private Land: A Glimpse of the Rut
October 26, 201710minColton Cason takes advantage of the windy conditions to slip into one of his best stands where he hopes to get a shot at "The Outlaw". As soon as Colton settles in the tree the action begins and doesn't let up!Join PrimeS1 E12 - October 28 - Private Land: Big Mature Buck at 10 Yards
October 28, 201710minLuke Nissen heads in to hunt a small property that he has permission to hunt. After a slow morning hunt he checks a few trail cameras and discovers he has a huge buck showing up during daylight on a regular basis, working a scrape line. He heads back to the same bedding area to hunt in the afternoon and see's several bucks out searching for does.Join PrimeS1 E13 - October 31 - Public Land: Missouri Bucks in Bow Range
October 31, 201715minAaron and Jake are in Missouri hunting Halloween morning on public land. They sneak in and hang a stand in the dark near a bedding area loaded with buck sign. Around 8 a.m. Aaron gets the chance he's been waiting for at a big Missouri buck. Unfortunately, things don't go as planned and a hard lesson is learned.Join PrimeS1 E14 - November 1 - Private Land: Calling in a Giant Buck, 7 Yard Bow Kill
November 1, 201718minLuke Nissen heads back to the cedar thicket to hunt for his top target buck. After an action-packed morning hunt, Luke adjusts his stand location for the afternoon hunt. As the wind dies down, Luke blind grunts hoping to pull a buck out of the cedar thicket. Ten minutes later he's completely caught off-guard as the buck appears out of nowhere and is heading directly towards the stand!Join PrimeS1 E15 - November 3 - Public Land: Proven Rut Stands, Tall 8 Encounter
November 3, 20179minAaron and Greg are hunting public land in Iowa. They decide to try an old faithful tree stand location between two known bedding areas. The action starts slow but a nice buck appears during mid morning headed straight for the tree.Join PrimeS1 E16 - November 5 - Public Land: Decoy Encounter from the Ground
November 5, 201710minZach Ferenbaugh and Greg Clements gear up in the ghillie suits and take a decoy into a public land marsh for a ground hunt. After maneuvering around the deer, Zach and Greg tuck into a willow tree and set up the decoy. It doesn't take long for bucks to come out of the bedding area and make their way within 10 yards, making for an exciting eye-level hunt!Join PrimeS1 E17 - November 7 - Public Land: Rut Cruising Areas in Marsh Terrain
November 7, 20177minAaron and Jake are hunting the Marsh Unit and set up over a rut travel corridor along several bedding areas. A nice buck is spotted as they're hanging the stands and they quickly realize this could be a killer spot.Join PrimeS1 E18 - November 8 - Private Land: Kansas Rut Action
November 8, 20178minOur friends from Kansas have experienced an action-packed rut and filled several tags so far. TJ Prater and Derik Jones started it off from a stand that has produced opportunities at mature bucks 3 years in a row. After a slow start to the morning, the woods erupt as two bucks chase a doe directly under the tree!Join PrimeS1 E19 - November 9 - Public Land: Shooter Buck at 20 Yards
November 9, 201713minAaron Warbritton and Erik Barber are diving into the center of the Marsh Unit in hopes of hunting bucks attempting to escape hunting pressure. As they are hanging stands, a giant buck is spotted headed straight for the stand. Watch the video journal to see what happened next!Join PrimeS1 E20 - November 10 - Private Land: Big 8 Bow Kill on a Small Property
November 10, 201714minScott Prucha hunts his best stand on a small, 50 acre property. A new buck showed up on trail camera recently so Scott hunts close to a bedding area in hopes the big 8 pointer will cruise through checking for does. Shortly after sunrise Scott and his cameraman, Brody, are caught off guard by a huge bodied buck heading directly towards the stand!Join PrimeS1 E21 - November 12 - Private Land: Decoy Hunt, Buck Rattled in from 300 Yards
November 12, 201713minJosh Tatum hunts one of his best stands, the same tree where he shot a big 10 pointer in 2016. Hoping for a repeat performance, Josh uses a decoy to pull a buck into bow range and give himself the edge to pull off a self-filmed hunt. As a mature buck appears in the distance, Josh hits the rattling antlers together and brings the tall 10-pointer in from 300 yards away and makes a perfect shot!Join PrimeS1 E22 - November 12 - Private Land: Big Mature 10, Non-Stop Rut Action
November 12, 201714minBrett Frieden and Luke Nissen hunt a pinch point close to a bedding area. Deer activity is almost non-stop throughout the morning as the bucks are cruising in search of does. After passing on a couple of solid bucks, Brett has the deer he's after heading towards the stand. As the buck works a scrape Brett get's his shot, but not with the result he expects!Join PrimeS1 E23 - November 13 - Public Land: Ghillie Suit Bow Kill From the Ground
November 13, 201723minZach Ferenbaugh and Jake Huebschman have to change their plans early in the day as they run into another hunter on public land. After doing some scouting and trying to avoid pressure, the guys head to a cattail marsh with hopes to catch a cruising buck inside a doe bedding area. They are setup on the ground wearing ghillie suits and have a close encounter with a mature buck!Join PrimeS1 E24 - November 15 - Public Land: Giant Buck at 30 Yards
November 15, 201714minAaron and Brody are hunting the open gate stand location. The guys have had success here in the past. This season there is a giant buck living in the area. With an increase in hunting pressure, the buck has been pushed back to this small ditch in the back of the property. Aaron has high hopes of seeing the deer and around 11 o'cock he appears in the draw below, headed straight for his stand.Join PrimeS1 E25 - November 15 - Private Land: Insane Buck Fight, 5 Yard Bow Kill
November 15, 201715minTed Miller has an incredible hunt on November 15th that he won't soon forget. He witnesses two bucks fight for several minutes before leaving and is able to capture it all on film. As the evening progresses, he encounters several more bucks and is able to grunt in a beautiful 10 pointer to 8 yards for a shot!Join Prime
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- Greg Clements
- Aaron Warbritton
- The Woodsguys Inc.
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