The Medieval Legacy
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S1 E1 - Discovering the Medieval Legacy
November 22, 202327minBegin the course with a look at what “medieval” means, and the challenges of defining when and where the Middle Ages took place. Consider common associations and ideas about the medieval era, both positive and negative, and the substantial inaccuracies of many of them. Finally, investigate what may be the most useful timeline in terms of when the medieval era began and ended.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E2 - The Medieval Birth of the Book
November 22, 202327minTake account of the seminal medieval contribution to the format of the book and the accessibility of reading. Chart the centuries-long evolution of written texts, from ancient scrolls of papyrus to wax tablets, codices, and texts written on parchment and vellum. Grasp how medieval books democratized reading, creating the framework for how we think about and practice it.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E3 - Medieval Innovations in Record Keeping
November 22, 202327minThe medieval era gave us techniques for recording words, sounds, and knowledge that were not surpassed for centuries. Learn how medieval scholars revolutionized writing, making texts easier to read; created musical notation and methods for recording poetry and song; and how these technologies allowed more people to record their experiences and insert themselves into the historical record.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E4 - The Beginnings of Orthodoxy and Heresy
November 22, 202334minAs Christianity grew and developed, trace the process by which religious and political elites aligned to enforce conformity within the religion. Observe how early variations of belief and practice were systematized after Christianity became the state religion of Rome, leading to codified theological beliefs and canonized scriptures, with conflicting views labeled as heretical and punishable.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E5 - Anti-Semitism’s Medieval Roots
November 22, 202332minLearn how Jews in the Latin West were rare, considered suspect, and depended on protection from local rulers. Trace the proliferation of anti-Jewish tropes, from lies connecting Jews with violence to Christian ideology condemning them for the death of Jesus and prohibiting usury, spurring pogroms and negative portrayals in popular culture.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E6 - Holy War and Its Long Legacy
November 22, 202332minTrack the various factors that gave rise to the medieval concept of “holy war,” undergirding the call to arms of the Crusades. Begin with the phenomenon of divinely sanctioned wars in the ancient world. Then, grasp the Greco-Roman and Christian theories of “just” war, fought for a holy cause, offering the remission of sins for soldiers, and its analogies to the Muslim concept of jihad.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E7 - The Cult of the Virgin Mary
November 22, 202331minUncover links between the veneration of Mary and ancient traditions of divine leaders begotten through virgin births. Learn how the doctrine of Mary’s perpetual virginity developed, and about its connections with both the Church’s insistence on male authority and notions of sexual sin. Note, ironically, that as the cult of the Virgin grew, opportunities for women within the church narrowed.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E8 - The Imaginative Power of Chivalry
November 22, 202335minThe medieval culture of chivalry embodies behavioral and moral ideals that still resonate today. Find the roots of chivalry’s ethos in the oldest surviving medieval epic. Observe how chivalric ideals were promulgated in romance literature, usually through the patronage of women. Grasp what motivated a new class of warrior knights to embrace chivalry’s codes of valor and courtly behavior.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E9 - The Legacy of Heraldry and Pedigree
November 22, 202329minFlowing from medieval chivalric codes, the arts of heraldry arose to provide symbolic “brands” for individuals and groups. Study the pictorial forms that proclaimed their bearers and “patented” their public identities on coats of arms and seals, using powerful iconography. Then, learn how heraldry was intertwined with the creation of chivalric orders that still exist today.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E10 - “Town Air Makes You Free”
November 22, 202329minWitness the rise of medieval towns as a new phenomenon, often growing organically around monasteries or castles. See how newly empowered townspeople were able to demand liberties, charters, and the right to self-governance, creating unprecedented opportunities for social mobility, new civic institutions, and new forms of urban entertainment.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E11 - Guilds and the Rise of Organized Labor
November 22, 202329minTake the measure of medieval trade guilds, as they offered a sense of group solidarity and protections and posed threats to authority. Study the case of the jongleurs’ (entertainers’) guild of Arras, and how it transformed its members’ social status. Grasp how guilds acted boldly in political movements, and played cultural roles, as well.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E12 - The Medieval Rise of the Rule of Law
November 22, 202329minLearn about the earliest medieval law codes, the precepts of English Common Law, and the use of trial juries derived from Anglo-Saxon and Roman customs. Note legal principles embodied in the Magna Carta, and the opposition within the West of two competing ideals: absolute power by monarchs versus a system of law which would hold rulers in check.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E13 - Medieval Government and Collective Rights
November 22, 202331minTrace the origins of representative government in the medieval era, in the phenomena of councils, general assemblies, and the Norse tradition of the “Thing” (public assembly). Learn that medieval rulers, despite their power, had to bow to the pressures of representative governance. Also, observe how the papacy was able to enlarge its powers.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E14 - Medieval Sovereignty and the State
November 22, 202332minExamine criteria for how we might define sovereignty, and the ways in which medieval state sovereignty was complicated by the power of the Church. Observe how English and French monarchs worked to establish inviolable authority over defined territories, and how the debate over the nature of national sovereignty would continue for centuries, down to our own day.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E15 - The Medieval Roots of the King’s English
November 22, 202327minInvestigate how the modern English language came into being, beginning with the text of the oldest recorded English song in the 13th century. Follow the language’s evolution through later texts, as the Middle English that became the language of the royal court promoted the English of the southeast–thus, explaining the variety of English dialects that thrive today.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E16 - Medieval Narratives of Nationalism
November 22, 202331minExamine 19th century European nationalist movements which sought to self-legitimize by grounding their identities in the medieval past. Witness this in the attempts of at least five countries to claim the Beowulf epic as national patrimony, and the efforts of numerous others to base nationalist claims on medieval events. Observe how these divisive nationalist “medievalisms” became destructive.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E17 - Medieval Narratives in Modern War
November 22, 202329minExplore the co-opting of medieval history by the nations fighting World War I, seen in the symbolic invocation of Joan of Arc, England’s Henry V, and images of the Crusades, among other iconic figures and events. Also, observe the persistent invocation of medieval battlegrounds during the conflict, outrage at the destruction of medieval cities.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E18 - The University’s Medieval Origins
November 22, 202332minWitness the rise of medieval universities, following on the religious schools that preceded them. Note how curriculums were broadened to a range of more secular subjects, leading to universities as confraternities of teachers, scholars, and students. Delve into the intellectual culture that surrounded universities, which transformed medieval lives.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E19 - The Origins of the Scientific Method
November 22, 202333minLearn the story of medieval science, and its integral contributions to the modern scientific method. Review the work of great medieval scientists, such as Anselm, al-Haytham, Ockham, Copernicus, and others. Grasp how their innovations crystallized the inductive-deductive method, while religious currents surrounding the Reformation effectively suppressed key elements of their work.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E20 - Our Debts to the Medieval World of Money
November 22, 202332minExamine medieval accounting systems that were used until the 19th century, and the transformative innovations of Arabic numerals and the number zero. Delve into medieval forms of calculation, techniques of bookkeeping, letters of credit, and new methods of managing risk. Note that increasingly complex financial instruments and moneylending led to great disparities in wealth, then as now.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E21 - The Medieval Explosion of Documentation
November 22, 202327minThrough illuminating historical examples, see how the need for documentation became a necessary fact of life: to validate legal claims, transactions, and to preserve family legacies, with writings and written evidence becoming valuable possessions. The resulting documents leave us a fascinating record of everyday medieval life and its resonances in our own era.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E22 - The Medieval Invention of Purgatory
November 22, 202329minStudy medieval teachings on sin and salvation, and notions of purification and atonement. Learn how the practice of interceding for the dead through prayer and penitential rituals figured in the emerging Church doctrine of Purgatory. Trace the history of “indulgences” for absolving sins, which were sold by clerics, the abuse of which fueled the Protestants’ stance against Purgatory.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E23 - Medieval Evolutions in Hospitals and Prisons
November 22, 202331minExamine the factors that caused hospitals and prisons to emerge as prominent civic institutions in the Middle Ages. Trace the rise of subsidized public hospitals, often attached to religious complexes, and positioned centrally within towns. Study the culture of medieval prisons, their integral place in the urban landscape, and the role they played in civic life.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E24 - Medieval Rhyme, Romance, and Sagas
November 22, 202329minDelve into three medieval building blocks of European literature that endure to the present day. Track the adoption of rhyme from Arabic literature as a core feature of Western poetics. Then, see how verse and prose romances emerged in European traditions, commenting on contemporary values. Finally, encounter the dramatic Norse sagas and their key themes and archetypes.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buyS1 E25 - The Medieval Rise of Professional Authors
November 22, 202329minLearn about authorship within the monastic profession and under the patronage of aristocratic elites and the clergy. See the contours of medieval authorship in Boccaccio, Chaucer, Christine de Pisan, and Margery Kempe, and grasp how the internet replicates the channels through which many medieval authors worked.Free trial of The Great Courses Signature Collection or buy
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