The Pathless Path Meditations
S1 E1 - Observing Reality As It Is
October 31, 202010minSit with your breath without trying to control it and learn to use breath to anchor into what is real, right now.Free trial of GaiaS1 E2 - Deeper Into the Inner World
October 31, 202010minA guided meditation leading you deep into your inner world to learn how to observe the subtle changes within yourself.Free trial of GaiaS1 E3 - Who is Observing
October 31, 202010minLetting the breath take you, realizing who is observing the breath.Free trial of GaiaS1 E4 - Expanding Breath Awareness
November 14, 202015minExplore the energetic pranic field with this guided meditation on bringing your attention to the breath. Then expand this breath awareness to the whole body.Free trial of GaiaS1 E5 - The Field of Change
November 14, 202015minObserve the field of change within and let energy circulate as you stay still. There is nothing to “do” with this meditation, but just observing things as they are to allow you to stay within the changing field of sensation.Free trial of GaiaS1 E6 - Not One, Not Two
November 14, 202015minOur tendency is to create a dualistic world black and white world. In this 15 minute guided meditation, observe your true non-dualistic state.Free trial of GaiaS1 E7 - The Dimension of Stillness/Emptiness
November 30, 202020minWith this guided meditation. Daniel Schmidt helps you explore the limitless dimension of stillness and emptiness within.Free trial of GaiaS1 E8 - Drop Off Mind and Body
November 30, 202020minBe here in this present moment, without placing your attention on your mind or body. This guided meditation practice is a key to letting go of time and space.Free trial of GaiaS1 E9 - Stillness as Movement, Form as Emptiness
December 14, 202021minLearn to sit without a destination or thought. As we close the Pathless Path series in this guided session, we drop our conditioned mind patterns to come closer to the state of Samadhi, the realization of your true nature.Free trial of Gaia
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