The Presidents
S1 E1 - 1789 - 1825
January 18, 200545minBased on the book To the Best of My Ability, this 8-part series provides an insightful look at the exclusive group of men from all walks of life and parts of the country who have led America from the Oval Office.Join PrimeS1 E2 - 1825 - 1849
January 18, 200545minIn Part 2, America's leadership changes hands from the Founding Fathers to a new breed of Founding Sons.Join PrimeS1 E3 - 1849 - 1865
January 19, 200545minMarked by polar opposites, this hour scrutinizes a fractious era of the presidency--from Taylor to Lincoln.Join PrimeS1 E4 - 1865 - 1885
January 19, 200545minThis period was known as the era of "The Ohio Generals"--three of the five presidents featured in this hour were generals in the Civil War.Join PrimeS1 E5 - 1885 - 1913
January 20, 200545minFrom Grover Cleveland to William Howard Taft, the Gilded Age of the American Presidency, featured a new breed of men who occupied the White House.Join PrimeS1 E6 - 1913 - 1945
January 20, 200545minThe sixth hour looks at a challenging period of US history marked by financial depression & two world wars. This era saw America's emergence as a player on the world stage.Join PrimeS1 E7 - 1945 - 1977
January 21, 200545minAn era of seeming bliss turns into a period of total political disenfranchisement. Plain-spoken Harry Truman becomes president after FDR dies in office.Join PrimeS1 E8 - 1977 - Present
January 21, 200545minThe final hour of the series brings us to the precipice of the 2005 inauguration. This is an era marked by a new world order, defined by the fall of the Berlin Wall.Join Prime
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