S2 E201 - Ep 201 - Episode 201
Watch on supported devicesJanuary 1, 201123minWhen London Zoo's silverback Western Lowland Gorilla dies unexpectedly its three females are left without a leader. Dublin Zoo's adolescent male Kesho seems the ideal candidate to replace him, and with tensions on the rise between him and his father Harry, the timing couldn't be more perfect.Watch for freeS2 E202 - Ep 202 - Episode 202
Watch on supported devicesJanuary 1, 201125minWith the inspection over, it's time for Kesho to say goodbye to his home in Dublin Zoo and take over as leader of a new band of Western Lowland Gorillas in London Zoo. But how well will he settle in to his new home?...Watch for freeS2 E203 - Ep 203 - Episode 203
Watch on supported devicesJanuary 1, 201125minHelen Clarke Bennett and her team are waiting with excited about the arrival of another addition to Dublin Zoo's Giraffe herd. Until it takes its first steps they won't know if it will survive, but will the little calf have enough strength to get to her feet?Watch for freeS2 E204 - Ep 204 - Episode 204
Watch on supported devicesJanuary 1, 201125minDublin Zoo recently reworked the habitat of its 14-strong colony of Humboldt penguins to more closely resemble their native habitat, the sandy beaches of coastal Peru and Chile. Zookeeper and avian expert Peter Phillips joins them as they take their first steps into their new home...Watch for freeS2 E205 - Ep 205 - Episode 205
Watch on supported devicesJanuary 1, 201125minA new island home is prepared for the Ring-Tailed Lemurs and there's plenty of exploring to be done by these playful and curious creatures. But when a build-up of algae around the edge of the island gives the water a deceptively solid appearance, oldest member of the troop Nibbles takes her curiosity a step too far.Watch for freeS2 E206 - Ep 206 - Episode 206
Watch on supported devicesJanuary 1, 201126minIt's been several months now since Gerry waved goodbye to Wanita the Sumatran Tiger. With reports that sheís doing well over in France, Gerry takes to the road to pay one of his favourite animals a visit and see how she's settling in.Watch for freeS2 E207 - Ep 207 - Episode 207
Watch on supported devicesJanuary 1, 201125minAfrican Hunting Dogs are fond of a little horseplay, but with the mating season in full swing sometimes things can get a little out of hand. Team leader Ciaran MacMahon has to intervene when he notices one of the male dogs nursing some particularly nasty looking injuries...Watch for freeS2 E208 - Ep 208 - Episode 208
Watch on supported devicesJanuary 1, 201126minA male Mangabey monkey comes to live with the resident troop on Dublin Zoo's Mangabey Island. But after having the island to themselves for such a long time, how will the females take to the new boy in town?Watch for freeS2 E209 - Ep 209 - Episode 209
Watch on supported devicesJanuary 1, 201125minWhen a female Western Lowland Gorilla with a big appetite stops eating her food, zookeeper James knows that something is wrong. A number of tests will be required, but procedures on an animal of her size always carry significant risks.Watch for freeS2 E210 - Ep 210 - Episode 210
Watch on supported devicesJanuary 1, 201126minIt's been a long and difficult year in Dublin Zoo's Brazilian Tapir house, particularly for old Marmaduke, who lost both his daughter Diego and Hillary, his partner of 25 years. A new younger female arrives to keep him company, but will the old tapir take to his new companion?Watch for free
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