Titans of the 20th Century

Season 1
The most powerful individuals of modern times FDR, Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin seem to have had no common characteristics except an ambition to lead, a taste for power and a belief that they had been chosen by destiny.
20206 episodesTV-PG
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  1. S1 E1 - A New Map of the World: 1918-1928

    March 21, 2020
    Lenin dies in 1924 and up steps Josef Stalin; FDR is Secretary of the U.S. Navy; Hitler ends the war in a military hospital; Churchill struggles to resume a political career. The first of the titans to emerge, grabs power– Benito Mussolini.
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  2. S1 E2 - Feast & Famine: 1929-1933

    March 28, 2020
    FDR reaches the Oval Office. The crash of ’29 morphs into the Great Depression. Titans rise and fall in the era of unemployment and hunger–Hitler becomes chancellor in Germany, Mussolini secures absolute power, and Stalin tightens his grip.
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  3. S1 E3 - The Shadows Lengthen: 1934-1937

    April 4, 2020
    War reaches Ethiopia with the Italian invasion and threatens Europe with the German occupation of the Rhineland and annexation of Austria. Spain and China plunge into civil wars. Mao and Chiang Kai-shek unite to face Japan’s invasion.
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  4. S1 E4 - Darkest Hour: 1938-1940

    April 11, 2020
    The Spanish civil war reaches its climax and the League of Nations is helpless against Italy, Germany and Japan. In 1938 Neville Chamberlain brings a group together hoping to secure peace. But peace is the last thing on Hitler’s mind.
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  5. S1 E5 - World War: 1941-1944

    April 18, 2020
    We enter a period in history which is dominated by the acts and personalities of a small group of powerful leaders – Titans. This is the time for Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini to dominate both public and daily life.
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  6. S1 E6 - A New World: 1945-1949

    April 25, 2020
    As the war ends, Roosevelt dies, Churchill is thrown out of office, Mussolini is shot by “partisans” and Hitler kills himself. Harry S Truman becomes the president and has to make a terrible decision, while Stalin enjoys unrivaled power.
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Mike Kenneally


Jane BarrettMichael TearSerge Ou


John Gregg


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