
Report a Content Grievance in India

Amazon Prime Video, MGM+ and Prime Video add-on subscription members can file/raise a content grievance in India.

Amazon Prime Video, MGM+ and Prime Video add-on subscription customers in India can file/raise complaints (if any) in relation to issues such as age ratings, content descriptors, title synopsis, or access controls for the content currently available on the service.

  • If you are accessing Prime Video, MGM+ on a Desktop or Laptop, please click HERE to submit your complaint. You may need to log in to your Prime Video account if not done already.
  • If you are accessing Prime Video, MGM+ on a mobile device you can submit your complaint to the relevant email address of the Grievance officer (details specified below) or alternatively go to the following link on your mobile browser:
  • If you wish to complain about Prime Video add-on subscription content, submit your complaint to the relevant email address of the Grievance officer (details specified below).

Content grievance support is currently available in English language only. Please submit your grievance details in English. In case of any other feedback relating to your Prime Video experience other than a content grievance like streaming/app issues, technical troubleshooting, title unavailability, feature requests, refund, billing/subscription issues you can reach out to us via the Prime Video Help section:

Grievance Officer Details

Name: Mr. Anshuman Mainkar

Email (Prime Video, MGM+):

Email (Prime Video Add-On Subscriptions):

Your complaint should include:

  • Your Name
  • Email address on your Amazon account
  • Name of the Movie or TV Series (Season & Episode Number)
  • Name of Service (if the grievance relates to Prime Video or MGM+)
  • Name of the Prime Video add-on subscription (only if grievance is related to Prime Video add-on subscriptions)
  • Country of Viewing
  • Date of Viewing
  • Category of Grievance (such as Age Ratings, Content descriptors, Title Synopsis, Access controls, Other)
  • Grievance Details (including timestamp, if applicable)

Acknowledgement: We will acknowledge the receipt of your complaint within 24 hours and provide you with a reference number to track your complaint.

Response: We shall process your complaint and appropriately respond within the timelines specified under applicable law.

  • The above Grievance Redressal Mechanism has been setup in compliance with and in furtherance to applicable laws of India only.
  • Prime Video is merely a service provider and does not own any content or exercise any creative or editorial control over the content that is available on the Prime Video add-on subscription service. The content available on Prime Video add-on subscription service is curated, developed, produced, owned and/or made available by the respective Partners. You can also reach out to and contact the concerned Partner directly regarding any content curated, developed, produced, owned and/or made available by it on the Prime Video add-on subscription.