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Wild Italy: Top Predators

1. Sezon
In the heart of the Mediterranean there is a special world where bears and eagles live free among the vestiges of a distant past.
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Şartlar geçerlidir


  1. S1 B1 - The Wolf Pack is Back

    Desteklenen cihazlarda izleyin
    2 Ekim 2018
    48 dak
    The wolf is performing a spectacular come back in the mountains of Italy.
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  2. S1 B2 - Italian Bears

    Desteklenen cihazlarda izleyin
    2 Ekim 2018
    50 dak
    No one would have bet on the result of the introduction of seven Slovenian bears, two males and five females, in the woods of Adamello, in Trentino.
    Ücretsiz izle
  3. S1 B3 - Two Eagles

    Desteklenen cihazlarda izleyin
    2 Ekim 2018
    48 dak
    Two eagles struggle to survive and produce offspring to maintain their species.
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  4. S1 B4 - The Predators of the River Tiber

    Desteklenen cihazlarda izleyin
    2 Ekim 2018
    48 dak
    Two large water birds are experiencing a real demographic boom that seems unstoppable.
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  5. S1 B5 - Mantis: The Queen of the Waterless River

    Desteklenen cihazlarda izleyin
    2 Ekim 2018
    51 dak
    This is the story of a Praying mantis which was born in the dry grasslands of Southern Italy.
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  6. S1 B6 - Rome City Strikers

    Desteklenen cihazlarda izleyin
    2 Ekim 2018
    48 dak
    In the center of Rome Peregrine falcons and Herring gull settled and now nest in good numbers.
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Francesco Petretti


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