Healthy Habits
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S1 E1 - The Power of Healthy Habits
January 31, 20202minIf you're looking for fast, safe and effective ways to feel better, to boost your energy levels, improve mental performance, find clarity and take control of your body, weight and immune system, then this healthy habits program is for you.This title is unavailable due to expired rightsS1 E2 - Habit 1: Hydration for Detoxification
January 31, 20202minWater is the basis of all life and that includes your body! Which makes including the habit of daily hydration a no-brainer.Free trial of GaiaS1 E3 - Habit 2: Movement for Happiness
January 31, 202011minNot only is regular movement beneficial for your body physically, it can also have a profound effect on your brain chemistry and inclination to have a more positive outlook on life.Free trial of GaiaS1 E4 - Habit 3: Breathwork for Energy
January 31, 20205minTaking the time to breathe deeply and regularly can have a profound benefits on your physical and mental health.Free trial of GaiaS1 E5 - Habit 4: Meditation for Stress Reduction
January 31, 202013minDaily meditation is a powerful habit that requires nothing but a few moments of your time. The practice of staying present and mindful can have profound benefits on both your physical and mental health.Free trial of GaiaS1 E6 - Habit 5: Cold Exposure for Immunity
January 31, 20206minRegular and consistent cold exposure is such a simple yet profound way to boost your health and vitality! This habit requires little time and nothing other than cold water.Free trial of GaiaS1 E7 - Habit 6: Body Love for Acceptance
January 31, 20207minA daily and ritualistic self-care habit is a simple and profound way to reaffirm the love for yourself and raise feelings of self worth and gratitude.Free trial of GaiaS1 E8 - Habit 7: Nourishment for Vitality
January 31, 20205minThe first thing you consume sets the tone of the day, so flood your body with nutrients every morning to support the body's natural detoxification processes, strengthen the immune system, aid in weight loss and enhance vitality.Free trial of Gaia
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